It is Well with My Soul

In June 2018 I was diagnosed with Multiple Meyloma, a non-curable cancer and begin chemo treatments immediately. On October 24, 2018 I was deeply impressed by two scriptures I read and meditated on, Psalm 118:17-20 and 119:71-72. About 18 months ago, Preacher anointed my friend and me with oil and prayed over us according to Biblical instructions.

My suffering was good for me,
for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.
Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.
— Psalm 119:71-72

Last summer I received the welcome news my incurable cancer was in remission. I don’t know what the next minute or the next day will bring. I do know the mighty God I serve. I do know it is well with my soul, not because of anything I have done but because Jesus paid my sin debt in full. To Him be the glory!

Mariella Welch



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