
One church. Multiple locations.



Together we are making followers of Jesus by creating a church that is IRRESISTIBLE to those who are far from Jesus, INDISPENSABLE to those who are following Jesus, and IMPACTFUL across the street and around the world with the love of Jesus.

Every community deserves a church like this, and this is our moment to multiply the word of God among us.

Our Goals

1. Raise $5 million.
Together we desire to raise money to build a new worship facility in DeRidder and pay off our current debt. Our target budget for the new worship center is $3 million.

2. 100% engagement.
We are asking everyone to engage through prayer and ask God what He desires for them to contribute towards these financial goals.


1. 100% debt-free

2. New campus

Join the mission

Multiply is based on three key components that engage our whole church community and inspire generosity:

PRAY - We believe this journey starts with prayer. We invite every member to join us in praying and seeking God’s guidance and wisdom as we launch our new campus.
21 Days of Reading & Prayer

GIVE - Pray and consider making a financial commitment to the campaign. Every commitment, big or small, will have an impact. We provide various giving options and creative ways for individuals and families to participate.

Give towards the Multiply Campaign here.
If you would like to make a financial commitment, please fill out our
digital pledge form to let us know of your commitment.

GO - Pray about joining the launch team of First North. We need 75-100 adults to help us establish the new campus.


Together we can create a lasting impact that transcends generations. By multiplying, we are investing in our church and the lives of many who will find Jesus.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey together and trust God to guide us every step of the way. We are building a future that transforms lives and brings glory to Jesus!

Learn More

Watch or listen to the Multiply podcast episodes for more information on the vision and direction for the Multiply Campaign.

Make an impact


Make an impact 💥

Prayerfully consider how you can join the mission to multiply and make an impact.